02 August 2012

Santo Domingo #6

Una de las pocas cosas en las no estoy de acuerdo con Woody Allen es sobre las palomas. Las odio tanto como él y me pareció muy ingenioso que las llamara "ratas con alas" pero no sé si yo las llamaría así. No me puedo imaginar niños jugando con ratas tal como jugaban con las palomas en Parque Colón.

Santo Domingo scenes #6
One of the few points on which I don't agree with  Woody Allen is about pigeons. I hate them as much as he does and I found very funny calling them "rats with wings" but I'm not sure if I should call them this way. I can't figure children playing with rats the way they played with pigeons in Parque Colón.

1 comment:

  1. I love all your sketches from the symposium and feel honoured that I've been able to see them in your sketchbook - They are even better in real life than here on your blog.
